Tuesday 25 March 2014

Influences .....

Henry Newman

revealed God to me
and inspired service with
His word in my heart

Viktor Frankle

set my career path
after a chance reading of 
'Man's Search for Meaning'

  Vincenzo Gioacchino Raffaele Luigi Pecci

'Rerum Novarum'
revolutionary change
squared the circle

Benedict Joseph Groeschel

'Arise from Darkness'
maintain equilibrium
through trust in Our Lord


  1. That's quite a mix there... quite a mix..

  2. Dodo,

    Wow, that is a broad influence there. I guess in one way it is better than the modern trend of university types of being influences by Goan beach bums...

    Trotsky always reminded me of my first wife's father...

  3. I am going to read the Viktor Frankle
    book. Just had a look at wiki...sounds very interesting.

    I don't suppose you would put on a photo of Hippie Dodo...with floral flares and the big hair afro frizz:)

  4. Hi Cressida - that book by Viktor Frankle is well worth a read.

    Not sure I have a photo of a Hippy Dodo. Unfortunately these were all lost many years ago (burned by my ex actually).

    I do have a picture from the mid-70's when I went through a sort of 'Hippy moving towards a Semi-Glamrocker' from my passport.

  5. Greetings Dodo,

    "From Catholicism, to Marxism and then back to Catholicism via Judaism."

    We do have our uses then (:

    Oh and I fully well understand that a man takes many a meander in life. I'm the same. I mean I've even eaten a sausage sandwich, prawns & bacon butties during my time before reverting to Orthodoxy. And my first wife, of Russian heritage, was into the mysticism of the Chabad-Lubavitch school, without the delusions of the Rebbe's Messianic pretensions, so I am both rationalist and mystic in my own way.

  6. Viktor Frankl, was quite an amazing figure. A brilliant mind, who along with most of European Jewry, suffered terribly during the Shoah.

  7. David, Viktor Frankle was brilliant before the Shoah. An amazing man with an insight into the human situation and, though its not obvious or clear, God's presence and Providence.

    There is a problem with Frankle that I had to overcome. For him suffering can be overcome by control of one's inner life - by reframing our attitudes. However, as a Christian I believe in a God who is the One that wills and assists us to control our inner life.

    That said, this book, read as 'light relief' during revision for my Final exams, altered the course of my life.

    Or was it God?

  8. Wing Tsit Chong28 March 2014 at 19:46

    2 Jews and 2 Catholics. Well balanced Kama there.

  9. Everyone should read Viktor Frankle. Excellent book.Thank you for the recommendation.

  10. Another good read is 'Arise From Darkness: What to Do When Life Doesn't Make Sense' by Benedict Groeschel.

  11. Updated - now it's 2 Jews and 3 Catholics!



Holy Fools  simple Fools for Christ daft, naïve and trusting souls  condemned by others for acting 'strange' in a time ...