Friday 31 January 2014

Happy Jack?

who is Happy Jack?
a blogging inquisition
now triggered for the
curious and malicious
with what possible end-game?


The kids couldn't hurt Jack
They tried and tried and tried
They dropped things on his back
And lied and lied and lied and lied and lied
But they couldn't stop Jack, or the waters lapping
And they couldn't prevent Jack from feeling happy

who is Happy Jack?
"Happy Jack is Happy Jack"
the questions over
the inquisition ended
now he can be left in peace 

Saturday 25 January 2014

Images Two ...

"Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus"

faithful to God's plan
and His specifications
built for the journey
and guided by a leader
with direction from above   

a man made vessel
a marvel of invention
for the course ahead 
faith in sola hominum
to navigate the one way
Some non-Christians and non-Catholics
may make it to heaven in life-boats.

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Images ....

Symphony Orchestra

inspired 'script' an
instrumental ensemble
interprets with truth

One Man Band

makes it up as he 
goes along according to 
his mood at the time


Holy Fools  simple Fools for Christ daft, naïve and trusting souls  condemned by others for acting 'strange' in a time ...