Sunday 5 May 2013

May - The Month of Mary

Ave Maria

Sorrows of Mary

Simeon warns of grief to come
Fleeing from Herod 
Losing of her child in the Temple
Witnessing her son on the road to Calvary
Watching her son dying in agony on the Cross
Holding the broken body of her dead son
Placing her son in the his tomb

Joys of Mary

Gabrielle announces her conception
Her glorious infant is born
The Magi visit and adore Jesus 
Christ is resurrected
Christ ascends in glory
The Holy Spirit descends
Mary is lifted up into Heaven

"Tetelestai" - "Complete", "Perfected", "Finished"


Holy Fools  simple Fools for Christ daft, naïve and trusting souls  condemned by others for acting 'strange' in a time ...