Thursday, 27 February 2014

Middle Aged Man on his Window Sill

sits alone frozen
seething angry bitterness
scared of living
spitting spite at God above
and venom at men below


  1. Wow...a tanka gem.

    The form because of its brevity captures the terrible emptiness and desperation of that poor person. This would never have been so successful in prose...thus the wonder of poetry. I have never felt any sympathy for said person before but your poem has changed that.

    Just remember no stage did I ever say you were allowed to be a better poet than I:)

    Cressie X

  2. Thank you but I'm not really sure where this piece came from. When I read it this morning I was surprised.

    Besides, one swallow does not a Summer make.

  3. Can someone explain this one?

  4. Mexican Fiesta

    Someone once advised me that poets never 'explain'. Just like the bible, they have to be interpreted and understood.

  5. Yes and interpreted in the 'correct' manner!

  6. Vatican Watcher

    Yes, under the guidance of the poet and author - or his nominated representative.

  7. Happy Jack wants to know whatever happened to Peter D? He looks rather dour but Jack likes it that he's wearing a hat. All men should wear hats.

    Can we have some clue about this post. It does not rhyme so it is not a real poem.


  8. Happy Jack,

    'whatever happened to Peter D?'

    Let me explain-

    Your first incarnation Dodo the Dude just got too old and grumpy and as Dodo is a Time Lord regenerated into Peter D.

    However, Peter D, fell foul of the High Council of the Cranmer inquisition and was forced into exile and another change of face, but also as part of his exile his memory was blocked, including his knowledge of space-time travel and Roman Catholicism.

    Subsequently YOU became Dodo's third incarnation, but you don't know it because of the memory block. This is why you are 'gravitating' towards Rome- your real home.

    Whilst all of this has been going on, your arch nemesis a fellow Time Lord, turned Gay Lord,in his current regeneration cycle known as 'Danjo', is pitting his wits against yours for control of intelligent and erudite discussions across time and cyberspace....

    Perhaps one day you might redeem yourself in the eyes of the High Council of Cranmerites and have your memories unblocked; e.g. by saving the Cranmerites from a super massive black hole. But be warned, if you do so, you will one day enter the cave of crystals of the Spiders of Metabelias III and be destroyed by massive doses of radiation. Then you will regenerate again...

    PS- you are not alone, as you have a plucky young companion called Cressida De Nova, who travels with you and now an older companion, Ernsty and his Tiddles have also joined the ride. There are occasional 'guest stars', such as The mafia like BBB clan and dour Calvinists...

    Hope that helps.

  9. *gasp*

    You mean Happy Jack is or was the person who must not be named on Cranmer? And that Danjo is being rude to him because they are engaged in a struggle?

    *double gasp*

    But Dodo is still here in this space. How can that be?

  10. For goodness sake Happy Jack don't fall for all that faux science fiction guff. You are Happy Jack and I am Dodo. Peter D was just a thinly disguised deception to get back on the Cranmer blog.

  11. Happy Jack,

    The space-time vortex isn't a straight line, but fluid. It could also be that this Dodo is from another reality, which could also explain why you don't recognize one another...

  12. Excuse me ...Cressida is not connected to Old Jim and certainly not to the Inspector.

    Cressida is not a link in any chain
    even a Catholic one.

  13. Wrong thread Cressida!

    Let's call it "artistic license" to keep our good chum Mr Blofelt amused and his mind off his troubles. I have a Christian duty to perform.

    Whatever happened to the Cyber Swiss Guard? Ah, those were the days my friend, we thought they'd never end ......

  14. Lol .... so good you had to post it twice.

  15. Lol .... so good you had to post it twice.


  16. I want to know who the Dude is who keeps making up sci-fi references to make everything think it is me doing these postings! It ain't Kosher and besides which I'd me more amusing with any parody if I were to 'troll'.

    BTW- The last picture on this post freaks me out!

  17. Samuel - that picture is meant to freak out the person to whom the post is directed - and you too!

    It's where hate leads in my theology.

  18. Ps

    I did think the sci-fi were from you or David as I know you both enjoy this genre. I find them amusing and don't really care who's posting them.
